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Electrical Condition Reports Explained

How Old is My Electrical Installation?

Determining the age of your electrical installation is crucial for assessing its safety and efficiency. Common indicators of an older system include outdated wiring fuse boxes or the absence of modern safety features. An electrical professional can inspect your setup to provide an accurate age estimate.

What is the Aim of an Electrical Installation Condition Report?

The primary goal of an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is to assess the safety and compliance of your electrical system. This comprehensive inspection aims to identify potential hazards defects or non-compliance with current regulations. The report provides recommendations for necessary improvements or remedial actions to ensure the electrical installation meets safety standards.

Types of Condition Report

There are different types of Electrical Installation Condition Reports tailored to specific needs:

Regular EICRs are essential for maintaining electrical safety especially in older properties where wear and tear may pose risks over time. It's advisable to schedule inspections periodically to ensure ongoing compliance.

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